Thursday, September 15, 2011

MV Derby 2011 is Underway and Over-exciting

It is over-exciting for me atleast. I can't get enough of the Derby, even though I haven't weighed a fish in for the past three years. Does that make any sense? Probably not since I did have a shot at a few daily prizes and potential mystery prizes, but its not all about the prizes to me. I try to tell myself that I'm fishing for a grand prize winner, and I check the leader boards frequently to know what it will take.

I'm leaving for the island Saturday am, and can hardly wait as I sit in the office writing this post. In fact, this is a pretty pointless blog post, since I'm writing it mainly so I can release some excitement and make it through these final two days of work before I leave for a week of Derby fishing. I'll try to make this post valuable by adding some Derby advice - something that may help the angler who is only there for a short time (a week, a weekend, a day) be successful.

Tip #1: Have fun. Don't worry about catching a grand prize winner. In fact, a good portion of derby winners have been inexperienced, yet extremely lucky anglers, just enjoying themselves on the island, while other experienced, diehard anglers can fish the Derby their entire lives without claiming the top prize.

Tip #2: Go to the Derby Headquarters at some point between 8am and 10am or 8pm and 10pm. Even if you're not weighing in a fish you can get some great Keurig coffee, some stickers, brochures, some cool Derby gear, and you can even check the wharf to see whats going on.

Tip #3: Stay safe. Weather this time of year can be downright nasty. No fish is worth putting your life on the line. Keep a constant eye on the weather.

I am going to try my best to post next week while I am on the island. Hopefully I'll have some good pics, stories, and reports - but we'll see.

Tight Lines